Chemical Peels
What is a Chemical Peel?
A chemical peel is an in-office procedure performed by either an aesthetician or physician, which produces a controlled injury to the skin. As a result of this injury, the skin cells separate and exfoliation occurs. Chemical peels remove damaged outer layers of skin on the face to smooth texture, reduce scarring, and remove blemishes and pre-cancerous growths to produce healthy, glowing skin. Peel formulas and strengths are tailored to each patient and can be combined with other procedures for a younger look.
What Can Chemical Peels Treat?
What Chemical Peels Are Offered at Callender Dermatololgy and Cosmetic Center?
At Callender Dermatology and Cosmetic Center we offer a number of different peels for different skin conditions. The peels we offer are:
- Glycolic Acid Peel
- Jessner Peel
- Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) Peel
- Combination Peels
Glycolic Acid Peel
Glycolic Acid peels vary in strength to suit different skin types. This peel is best for sun damaged skin with an uneven skin tone. This medium strength concentration combats problematic skin conditions by removing pore-clogging debris evenly, and stimulating healthy, new elastin and collagen growth.
Jessner Peel
Jessner Peels achieve a more thorough peel than Alpha Hydroxy Acid peels and are appropriate for patients requiring deeper peeling. Jessner’s Peels have the ability to significantly accelerate the skin rejuvenation process.
Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) Peel
This potent peel’s ability to evenly penetrate beyond the epidermis into the papillary dermis makes it an excellent choice for the treatment of photo damaged and acne conditions associated with relentless hyperpigmentation and deep acne scars.
What Is a Combination Peel?
What to Avoid Before Getting a Chemical Peel
Prior to a chemical peel treatment, patients should avoid the following:
- Retin-A, Tazorac, Differin
- Retinol
- Alpha-Hydroxy Acids
- Beta-Hydroxy Acids
- Benzoyl Peroxide
These products may increase irritation, skin sensitivity, and poor reaction to chemical peel treatment.
Combination Peels Are Not For Everyone
You should avoid getting a chemical peel treatment if you have:
- Active cold sores, warts, or herpes in the area of treatment
- Extremely sensitive skin
- Undergone chemotherapy or radiation treatment
- Used Acutane within a year
- Vitiligo