Putting Your Best Face Forward With a Chemical Peel!
- Posted on: Nov 15 2016
The Chemical Peel is one of the oldest cosmetic procedures in the world!
It was performed in ancient Rome, Egypt, and Greece for those desiring smoother, more beautiful skin. Today, chemical facial peels are popular because they offer nearly immediate results and can be performed as an outpatient procedure.
Why get a chemical peel?
As we get older, our skin begins to show the effects of the environment, genetics and the aging process. A chemical peel is an effective treatment for uneven skin pigmentation, facial blemishes, acne or Chicken Pox scars, sun-damaged skin, “crow’s feet,” pre-cancerous growths and wrinkles around the mouth, leaving skin with a younger, healthy glow.
How does it work?
Technically, a peel is a controlled injury to the skin which causes skin cells to separate and exfoliation to begin. A peel uses an acid solution to remove the damaged, outer layers of the skin, enhancing and smoothing the skin’s texture. An aesthetician or physician applies alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), trichloroacetic acid (TCA), or phenol to the skin.
At Callender, our peel formulas and strengths are tailored to each patient and may be combined with other procedures.
We will carefully examine and evaluate your skin to determine how to provide you with the best possible results.
- Your chemical peel will be performed in our office.
- Medications will be administered for your comfort during treatment.
- When the treatment is completed, your resurfaced skin will be covered with a protective ointment.
- Seven to 10 days after the procedure, your new pink skin will emerge.
- The pink color will fade but your skin will be sensitive…avoidance of exposure to sunlight until the pinkness fades is critical; the use of sun block a must!
- The amount of time it takes for recovery varies with each patient.
- You should avoid bending and lifting for several days following the procedure.
- A peel is not just for women! Men who undergo a peel, must delay shaving for a while.
At Callender, we specialize in chemical peels! We look forward to consulting with you!
Posted in: Chemical Peel