Acne is a common skin condition that affects millions of Americans of all ages, genders, and ethnicities. This condition can be anywhere from mild to severe, and often impacts a patient’s overall self-confidence and self-esteem in a negative way. Patients who have tried over-the-counter products and have been unsuccessful in treating their acne may want […]
Whether you like it or not, your junior high and high school pictures are going to haunt you for the rest of forever. And while those braces and that perm may have been a good idea back then, that acne may keep you wondering why your parents didn’t get you acne treatment. To help save […]
Having a pimple is one thing but having a pimple that keeps popping up in the same spot over and over again can feel like a cruel curse. Even though it may feel like an evil witch put a spell on you and your face for the rest of eternity, there may be a few […]
Whether you have chronic acne or just hormonal acne that likes to pop up every month, we at Callender Cosmetic and Dermatology Center have got you covered. The last thing that we want is for any of our patients to walk around feeling bad about their self-esteem because of fo their acne. If we put […]
Whether you call them pimples, pustules, acne, puss marks, or anything else—acne is acne and most people have at least a little bit of it. Here at Callender Cosmetic and Dermatology Center, we specialize in treating a variety of cosmetic and medical skin conditions such as acne to help patients like you get clearer, better-looking […]
One of the most fun parts about the Halloween season is heading out to parties with friends or family and dressing up. No matter what stage you are in in your life or how old you are, it’s still fun to put together a Halloween costume and enjoy yourself. If your costume requires costume makeup, […]
If you suffer from severe cystic acne and have tried your hand at just about every acne treatment in the book without much success, then you may feel at a major loss. And although you can just learn to face the facts that you have cystic acne, you don’t have to. Here at Callender Cosmetic […]
If you were under the impression that your acne would go away with puberty but you still wake up with more pimples on your face than you can count, you are not alone. In fact, according to clinical studies release by the Dermal Institute, about 40-55% of adults ages 20-40 years old suffer from low-grade […]
Acne isn’t fun for anyone involved— especially your skin. Not only can acne be painful, uncomfortable, and cause scarring, but it can make you so self-conscious that you may not want to even leave the house without the help of a paper bag to place over your face. Lucky for you, depending on the type […]
When you graduate from high school, you think you can kiss all of those embarrassing moments, trends, and pictures behind. Until you pull out your yearbook that is. And although there are some things that you can leave in the past, acne scars aren’t one of them. By giving your skin an irregular appearance, acne […]