What hair restorations are available at Callender Cosmetic and Dermatology Center?
- Posted on: Dec 15 2019
Both men and women are susceptible to experiencing hair thinning and loss. When problems such as this occur, patients often reach out to their dermatologist to learn more about the restoration solutions available to them. Dr. Valerie Callender of Glenn Dale, MD is dedicated to providing patients with restorative options that can help improve their appearance and build their self-confidence. At Callender Dermatology and Cosmetic Center, patients have two options available to them: surgical hair transplantation and PRP hair restoration.
Surgical hair transplantation
One of the most reliable and well-versed techniques for restoring thinning or lost hair is with surgical hair transplantation. Transplantation has come a long way over the years, and no longer do patients need to have strips of skin and hair removed from the base of their scalp to the areas of concern. Instead, today’s professionals use a technique called FUT, or follicular unit transplantation. This method requires the dermatological to harvest actual follicular units of hair from another area of the scalp and insert per follicle where hair is thinning or lost. This provides not only less scarring and recovery, but a more natural appearance to the areas that have lost hair.
PRP hair restoration
Another option for our patients to consider is that of PRP hair restoration. This method of hair restoration is best for patients who have areas of patterned hair loss or thinning resulting from traction alopecia. It can result in fuller, thicker hair where hair may be thinning. Dr. Valerie Callender takes a blood draw from the patient. The blood is then placed in a centrifuge where the elements of the blood are parted out and the platelet-rich plasma is extracted. The PRP is then injected into the areas where the hair is thinning. The platelet-rich plasma works by stimulating hair follicle activity, increasing blood circulation, and supporting tissue regeneration.
Learn more about hair restoration techniques available at Callender Cosmetic and Dermatology Center
Glenn Dale, MD area patients faced with hair thinning and loss can find solutions with Dr. Valerie Callender and her providers. She encourages men and women interested in restoring their hair to call the office at (301) 249-0970 to schedule an appointment. The practice is conveniently located in Suite #315 at 12200 Annapolis Road.
Posted in: Hair Loss & Transplantation